Handsome Devil, which drops on Netflix worldwide today, might be the most interesting example yet, ruthlessly skewering, as it does, a defining stereotype in Irish society by setting the story in a rugby-obsessed all-boys boarding school.
In the wake of the vote, a number of notable LGBT-themed films were released, including the captivating documentary The Queen Of Ireland (starring our most famous and beloved drag queen, Panti Bliss) and A Date For Mad Mary, a touching and frequently hilarious take on rural single-dom. That pokey little island everyone pretends to be from (but is ashamed when they actually are) had shown itself to be surprisingly progressive and tolerant. When we voted to legalise gay marriage back in 2015, it was worldwide news. Spuds and céilís and what have you (see: Ed Sheeran's ludicrously popular Galway Girl).
Ireland has a reputation for being a bit backwards.